The one-click leave
manage­ment system

Wave goodbye to manual PTO tracking and spend time where it matters

Manage leave requests

Go digital and leave paper time off tracking forms in the past. Declutter your desk (or inbox) with convenient one-click requests and approvals. Less paperwork, less wasted time, effortless leave management.

Manage leave requests
Transition to a better calendar

Transition to a better calendar

Enjoy peace of mind knowing you’re on top of your team’s schedule. See who’s in and who’s out at any time with the automatically organized calendar. PTO reminders drop straight into your inbox, and timezone localization lets you know if your remote teams are on the clock or not.

Customize leave limits

Make an easy time of complex leave policies. Allocate time off limits en masse by department, location, or division and minimize room for error. Fine-tune individual limits in special cases, such as bonus days, country-specific holidays, or tenure length.

Customize leave limits

See TalentHR in action

Meet time off management that always goes to plan

Stay current with time off

Stay current with time off

The employee time off tracker makes it easy for all users to see upcoming days off, including national holidays and PTO. And, with a handy tab for current absences, you can see if a teammate is off–just in case they forgot to set their autoresponder.

Track employee absences

Drill down into the data behind time off and work location, division, or department. Filter reports to understand which teams visit the office frequently and which ones prefer WFH. Or, compare employees in different locations, see which ones have many vacation days left, and organize your future projects so your org is never understaffed.

Track employee absences

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