Celebrating 1 year of TalentHR

It’s been a busy year bringing you new features and upgrades. Here’s a closer look at the product releases that hit your favorite HRIS in 2023.

Native TalentLMS integration

Native TalentLMS integration

Manage and train your people without interruption. TalentHR and TalentLMS integrate seamlessly, so you’ll never have to platform hop to get your job done.

Benefits management

Make sure your people get the best out of your org. Add and assign company-wide benefits, or narrow your focus to teams and individuals.

Login methods

Login methods

In addition to local login, you got the option to let your employees log in with their Google account. Choose both methods or just one.

Advanced reports

Advanced reports

Reporting on your people ops became customizable and downloadable. So you can define your way of working with the data you (and your stakeholders) want.

Performance reviews

Performance reviews

Grow your talent with regular check-ins. Set performance review cycles and motivate your people to put in their best work.




Coding hours

Custom fields

Custom fields

Break free from limiting software. TalentHR brought you the option to add customizable fields and tailor your HRIS to meet your exact needs.

Time off recap

Time off recap

Get your monthly digest of time off taken by each employee.

Time off tweaks

Time off tweaks

Take a break from managing employee time off. With the option for your people to book time off in fractions, you won’t waste time manually changing allowances.

Job board

Job board

Bring new talent into the fold. Attract, recruit, and onboard your new hires, all from the convenience of your HR platform.





AI job descriptions

AI job descriptions

Writer’s block begone! Jumpstart your recruitment process with AI-generated job descriptions. Tweak the description before posting to match your org’s voice.

Talent pool

Talent pool

Collect all your promising prospects even if they don’t make it to the finish line. Store resumes and reach back out when the right position opens up.

Onboarding integration

Move applicants to hired and straight into onboarding, triggering any associated tasks with the click of a button.

Asset management

Asset management

It’s not just your people who you have to manage, but the equipment and subscriptions that support them. Log, track, and manage all your business’s assets.


TalentHR achieved 2023’s goals… but there’re way more exciting things to come!